We specialize with the leader here, Salesforce.com, and have proven leaders as our consultants with 5-10 years of experience. Do you want to reach out to targeted groups of audience so that you can optimize your sales and marketing efforts? Do you want to implement a pricing strategy that will guarantee sustained profits? Do you want to maximize the revenues you earn from your existing customers? If you have nodded a vigorous “Yes” to all these questions, then it is time you re-evaluated and possibly, reoriented your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) practices. We, at CloudForce5, have partnered with Salesforce.com, the undisputed global leader in CRM solutions, to bring to you a vast range of options that will accelerate the growth of your company in more ways than one.
We have assembled a team of expert and experienced consultants who can advise you on how to forge, nurture, and sustain strong customer relationships that can go on to increase your sales and bring in greater revenue.
Improved customer relations will also enhance the brand value of your company. You would of course, want to achieve these ends without needing to invest in recruiting a huge sales and customer support service workforce.

So be it!Our consultants are not only immensely knowledgeable about the various Salesforce tools and other tried-and tested CRM technologies but will also garner an in-depth understanding about the business processes specific to your organization so that they can advise you on strategies that are most suited to your business goals and budget. What is more, they will suggest only those CRM strategies that you can deploy without needing to revamp your entire IT infrastructure.
Our CRM consultants also have their hands on the pulse of the market. They are well aware of the changing tastes and increasing demands of varied consumer segments. They will thus be able to advise you on the specific service models that you can integrate within your existing business processes so that you can wield the latest technology to identify and reach out to a larger and more diverse target audience base and create value based customer experiences.
Our consultants can advise you on how to realign your strategic sales resources and optimize sales procedures so that you can improve workforce productivity by a large degree. This will ensure that you can maintain and increase your profit margins even during challenging economic times, penetrate new and emerging markets,and extract more revenue from your existing customer base without needing to spend extra dollars in marketing efforts. Schedule a consultation with us to know more about the breadth and depth of our solutions that will help you vanquish your competition.